Two men who are distinguished by the color of their bears are Black Beard and Blue Beard. Both men have become of part of folk tales, while Black Beard was a real character in flesh and blood and was a pirate, Blue bear is a character from the world of fairy tales and he loved women , married them and then killed them.

Black Beard operated in the 17th century. He took to piracy at a time when England condoned pirates as a second line of defense. Many pirates were pardoned later and Sir Francis Drake is an excellent example. He sailed around the world and returned with booty worth 1.5 million pounds.
The legend of Blue beard as brought out to children is of a man who married women and secretly killed them and kept the bodies in a closet with a special key, which he gave to his new wife with the injunction never to open the closet. However it was a case of one times too many and Blue beard was killed and his last wife rescued.

Both tales of Black beard and Blue beard make interesting reading and our life is richer with tales of such characters to enliven us.