Monday, June 24, 2013

My visit to Kabul: a Recap

Kabul appears a forbidding place. Its in the news for all the wrong reasons, bombs, terror attack, suicide bombers and what not. So when I landed in Kabul it was a refreshing surprise. Kabul has a modern airport and immigration formalities did take some time. Once outside I found I had been given a bullet proof car and a gunman. He supported a AK 47. Frankly I felt they were not needed as the Afghan love Indians and I was overwhelmed with their hospitality. They hate Pakistanis, who they blame for all their troubles. Excellent food is available and the Afghan Naan is huge one. It is relished with chicken. Afghan cuisine is more akin to Indian north food. Its wonderful and the Afghan want to treat you to the best foods. There are barbed wires everywhere, a reminder that Taliban are not far off. One Afghan told me" Friend you come here in place of these bloody Americans". That's the reality. They don't want America and hope India will help. I stayed 2 days in Kabul and came back happy. Kabul is a great place. What friendly people.

Kabul : a Visit

Kabul appears a forbidding place. Its in the news for all the wrong reasons, bombs, terror attack, suicide bombers and what not. So when I landed in Kabul it was a refreshing surprise. Kabul has a modern airport and immigration formalities did take some time.

Once outside I found I had been given a bullet proof car and a gunman. He supported a AK 47. Frankly I felt they were not needed as the Afghan love Indians and I was overwhelmed with their hospitality. They hate Pakistanis, who they blame for all their troubles. Excellent food is available and the Afghan Naan is huge one. It is relished with chicken. Afghan cuisine is more akin to Indian north food. Its wonderful and the Afghan want to treat you to the best foods.

There are barbed wires everywhere, a reminder that Taliban are not far off. One Afghan told me" Friend you come here in place of these bloody Americans". That's the reality. They don't want America and hope India will help. I stayed 2 days in Kabul and came back happy. Kabul is a great place. What friendly people.b

The Law of Karma( Deeds) will always Catch up with You

Almost all religions tell us to be good. By being good means doing things that spread love and do not harm anybody, physically or mentally. Hindu religion also lays great stress on deeds or karma. Hindu thought says that in case you do good deeds this will reflect in your present life. Sometimes this good will come back in the next life i.e rebirth. One of the theories of karma is to pay the dues to all persons. In case you do not pay, God will exact payment many times what you didn't pay. Thus money lenders who take money and not acknowledge it or people who refuse to pay legitimate dues, thinking nothing will happen to them as they are outside the pale of law are living in fallacy. God will take note of this as a bad Karma and such people will face his wrath in years to come. It may come after 20 or 30 years but God keeps a balance book and at the right time bad Karma will have to be atoned. So friends and readers never cheat. This is bad karma and will surely be noted as such