Monday, November 19, 2012

The Psychology of Sex; Is there a Chemistry ?

There is a chance that you will be envious of a pal who moves about with a lovely girl on his arm while you don’t know what to do. Perhaps you feel this guy knows exactly which women to approach while you are clueless and at the end of your tether. You wonder maybe this chap has magic or maybe not. The truth is something simpler and is referred to as the Psychology of sex. Perhaps as a man you might think farfetched that just by looking at a girl you can forecast how she will react. But don’t dismiss this out of hand as there is some truth in this. Yes! One can certainly make a surmise by just looking at the girl what her reaction will be. This is a psychic ability to divine into a girls mind. I don’t think it is magic, but it is a divination that comes from the mind as a man decides how to approach a girl. It is like establishing chemistry, its easy but not all that simple. It is what we refer to as body language and once you vibe with the girl she will respond. he body is a giveaway. It could be an inane act of picking up a fallen handkerchief or just the way a girl breezes into an apartment store or simply sitting with legs crossed or uncrossed. The body language is the clue and one must be in the right mind to divine it.
The hands of a girl are the biggest giveaways. Event palmists concentrate on the hand and this is the biggest clue. Watching the hands will be the acid test. You will have to observe her hands closely. Generally girls are shy in case their hands are slim and pointed fingers. They are also more the dreamers. Large hands on the other hand show obstinacy and you will require greater and harder work to make any headway here. The body is the next in line. Slim girls are dreamier and need greater attention. They could be moody and emotional. Big boned girls will be large hearted. They are apt to be more open to deeper emotions.
Now have a look at her eyes. These requite careful observation. Large eyes show the girl as adventurous while small eyes show caution. Keep a look out for colors and the dress she wears. A slim girl in a pale sari is likely to be more of an extrovert, while a girl in shalwar kameez more staid. Girls in skirts are more open and become friends easily. What I have written is just the tip of the iceberg. You will have to observe the girl in the classroom or the office. You will have to strike chemistry with her. There is no clear cut mantra, but remember to be brave for faint hear never won fair woman

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