Monday, January 15, 2018

The Muslim PIr who Impregnated over 300 Women in Punjab

Islam came to the sub-continent nearly 1300 years back and a lot of mixture of the Islamic faith with Hindu and Buddhist religions took place leading to Sufism a more benign form of Islam. The Sufi’s produced a series of godmen called Pirs who were supposed to be in communion with God.
The Pir’s

The Pir's are revered in India and Pakistan by both Hindus and Muslims. Many Pirs is hereditary and I have been following a Pir in Mumbai for 25 years.
The hold of the Pir over Muslims is hypnotic and many feel he will solve their problems
The Pir from Lahore
A true story about the powers of a Pir has been reported by Pak Newspapers and also there is a video on YouTube about it. The man, a youngish Pir of about 30 years of age is alleged to have impregnated over 300 women.
In the East to be childless is a sin and not having a son is an equivalent sin. This is a hangover of a feudal mind but people in India and Pakistan are swayed by these thoughts. This Pir propagated that any women who could not conceive or wanted a son could approach him and he would intercede with Allah and see that the wish of the women was granted.

The Noor Bed
It so happened that a few desperate women approached the holy man and were completely hypnotized by him. In a trance, they were led to large bed which he referred to as the “Noor Bed” and there he copulated with them. A few conceived and the word spread that the Pir had magical powers. The fact that a woman had slept with the Pir was never told.  Women who were childless also approached the Pir. He duly obliged and over a period of a few months impregnated over 300 women.
The end
Somebody got a whiff of it and informed the police who went and arrested him. But no charges could be leveled or framed as no woman was willing to give evidence. In any case, the Sharia laws are so lax the charge of rape can never be proved. The Pir is now on bail  I wonder if any research can be done to really find out how many got pregnant from the Pir and how many had boys. A friend from Lahore told me that the Pir did a good social service as he saved the lives of many women who suffered abuse at home. What a thought !.

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