News has been broadcast by the Indian Air Force that it has inducted 3 women to fly fighters. The girls who were commissioned in 2016 have been selected to fly the MIG-21( BIs) the most advanced version of this Russian plane, which is the workhorse of the IAF.
Names are not important in an academic discussion, but one must question the IAF decision to let women fly supersonic fighters. Flying is one thing, but getting into combat with forces up to 8G operating is a tricky matter.  Flying combat planes is not a picnic, and I have flown donkeys hours to
inform readers that it is no piece of cake. Yet, the IAF has inducted women to fly fighters. Precious resources are wasted and the vacancy could be better
filled by energetic men.
Historically for the last 2000 years, one has not heard of woman combatants. If there are any, they can be counted on fingers. Why did this happen? The reason is simple women have physiological cycles that differ from man and going into combat can be a handicap. I recollect when flying a sortie in the near past ina chopper, my co-pilot called it a day as she was not in a fit frame to fly due to her physiological condition. In such a scenario a   substitute pilot had to take her place.
I support the emancipation of women but making them fighter pilots, more as a showcase event is not the best way forward.