Friday, February 14, 2020

Russian Girls, Russia and Memories

At School

More than 2 decades back I was inducted as a fighter pilot in the IAF. But before I write further a small incident at school will show my approach to life. When I was in the 6th standard I read the “Adventures of Don Juan”. This had a deep impression on me and somehow this character has remained a fixation for me since then.
We had a school inspection. Our class teacher exhorted us if asked a question by the inspector as to which character we admired the most. She grandly announced that we must reply back with either the name of Gandhi, Lincoln or Lord Krishna.
I was a backbencher and never expected to be asked any question. In any case, the teacher was showcasing the “brilliant” boys of the class. But, luck has its own way and the inspector an affable old man pointed to me and asked the question. Without thinking I replied “Don Juan”. There was an awkward silence and my class teacher was livid. After the inspector left all hell broke loose. I had to stay back every day for a month and write thousands of times “I will never do this mistake again”. 

Russian Stream

Once I got my wings we were segregated into the French? British/French aircraft stream or the Russian stream. Accordingly, I was inducted in the Russian fighter stream and flew the MIG 21(BIS). MIG 23, 27 and even the SU 9.
Being in the Russian stream entailed frequent visits to Russia and I can recollect that I went to the Soviet Union almost 35 times. On my first visit, one of my senior pilots advised me to take some items of lingerie and jeans for girls. These he said were the “Open sesame” to the magic world of love in Russia.

Russian Girls

Russia was militarily strong but luxuries were not available and Russian girls craved for them. After our first stint in Moscow, we had a small get together and we were introduced to some Russian girls. I latched on to a youngish girl poorly dressed and invited her to my room. There I presented her with a pair of imported American jeans, lipstick and black lingerie. She was delighted and desired I dress her up with my own hands. This was the start of a raucous affair and in subsequent visits, this girl waited for me. Later she drifted away and I had other friends.

The Adventurers

I remember reading Harold Robbins “The Adventurers”, where the hero loves two women at the same time. My desire was fulfilled though it cost me a small pile in gifts and perfumes and dresses. I remember taking off for Baku the Russian resort on a two-day break for another glorious adventure.
The Soviet Government actively encouraged such relationships. Live it again? yes, sure!

The scent of a Woman

I wonder how many have seen Al Pacino as the blind colonel in “Scent of a Woman”.In the movie, he says there is nothing better than getting up in the morning with women by your side and her scent pervading the bed and room.
I would love it to start the amorous encounter by nibbling her feet,

Last word

IAF Pilots
IAF PilotsLast word
I am glad for I agree with Pacino and even now I say nothing is more intoxicating than after a supersonic flight at Mach II to get up with a woman in your arms. Russia was one glorious adventure. During my time some of my colleagues were hooked. One just disappeared in Russia and another married a girl and settled there. Another brought a Russian girl home and I am told his parents were livid.
This is a small adventure and now when I look back, I would like to relive it again. 

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