A Universal Book that tickles the mind

The book credited to Charles Deveaux is a classic and widely read for over a125 years after it was first published in 1889. It recounts the erotic tale of a young Army Captain ina British Cantonment in India when the Raj held sway
The book "Venus In India" is a famous book and widely circulated and read all over the world. It is also available as an ebook and can be freely downloaded. The novel is considered erotic literature of the highest literary grade and was first published in 1889. The novel is credited to a man called Charles Deverous, but nobody by that name is known to exist. Most likely it is a fictitious name by an anonymous writer. But the book has left its mark on the world of Erotic literature.
The story is authentic and the locales described are real.
The novel centers around life ina British Cantonment. What is a cantonment? It is a military area which the British had built all over India to house the Indian army. The story recounts army life and there are references to the Anglo-Afghan war, that show the book is somewhat true.
It recounts the exploits of an army captain of the British army with various women and girls in the cantonment. There are exotic descriptions in flowery language and after reading one will look for an encore. The language is simple and racy and one can make out that the writer enjoyed his life in India. The book adds to the repertoire of English erotic classics which start with the poem "the rape of Lucrece" by William Shakespeare. Worth a read any day, it's a book to pass away a dreary afternoon.