Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Undressing a Woman with your Eyes

Recently a friend of mine confessed that whenever he saw a woman or met one at a party or a function he always undressed her with his eyes. He fantasized about how she would look without clothes, without her sari and blouse. He further told me that he would also imagine how she would look with her lingerie and sometimes wondered whether she was wearing any at all. He asked me if it was normal for him or something was wrong. I have thought of the matter and wondered about it. The religious books tell us not to look at a woman for carnal pleasure, but religion is a guide and I am afraid it doesn't take care of human nature. Human nature is complex and I don't think anybody can divine how it functions. Human nature goes with a 'mood' of a man or woman. The fact that must be appreciated is that women have a tremendous attraction for men. I think this is right and proper unless you are gay. This is ordained by a super force call it God or whatever you will. This attraction is the basis of society and without it the human race in a few centuries would become extinct. Thus let us accept that attraction is normal and desirable. Women also want this as its part of biology. What would happen if no men desired women? No man courted a woman? I think a woman would feel terribly unhappy. Coming down to the fantasy part. I think its perfectly normal for a sane and god fearing man to look at a woman and covet her. Before he can do that, its but natural for a man to feel how the woman before would look without clothes. It's really a harmless fantasy and makes life so interesting. Many may feel it immoral or bad, but I am sure women also accept it. Thus I told my friend not to worry at all as it is a normal outlet of imagination and sex. The End Result
Yes! its a part of sex and without it, we all wouldn't be here. So let the guilt complex go from your mind. It's part of human nature. Can we get over it? I see no reason for this to happen as it would go against the physiology of man. So let this harmless delight continue. That is all I can say Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10147764

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