Pablo Picasso and his love Marie Therese
Nude, Green Leaves and Bust by Pablo Picasso (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Pablo Picasso is recognized as one of the greatpainters of the Modern age. Pablo drew his inspiration from the Hindu concept of Tantra which advocates sex witha younger woman for greater creativity. Perhaps Pablo was not aware of the Tantra concept and yet he only proves it true with his affairs with women half his age or even younger.
His most celebrated love is with Marie Therese a girl who was just 17 when she met Picasso. He was 46 at that time and Marie was 29 years younger than him. She bore him a child, though he never married her.
She was the theme of some of his most famous paintings. One of them a portrait of Marie titled ‘Nude, Green Leaves and Bust’ is considered his greatest work. Marie was also the theme of many other paintings. She was the inspiration for Pablo to reach the sublime in art. Pablo despite having Marie also had affairs with many other younger women. After his death Marie who loved him committed suicde . A sad end indeed, but the world will never forget her or Pablo Picasso
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